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RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 72: e20240001, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550639


ABSTRACT One of the most common dental procedures is tooth extraction; however, the bone defect resulting from the process is only partially restored, leading to considerable bone loss. To rehabilitate a fully or partially edentulous patient, we must handle these sites with delicate surgical procedures. There is a large literature presenting attempts to overcome the negative effects of a dental extraction, with the aim of reducing tissue volume loss or restoring the alveolar architecture. In this context, Partial Extraction Therapy (PET) represents a subgroup of interventions to prevent bone loss after extraction using the tooth itself to prevent alveolar bone loss. This literature review aims to make a survey of the published articles on PET, with an emphasis on socket shield technique, and to explain the other techniques such as root burial, pontic-shield and proximal socket-shield, their indications and counter indications in order to deepen the knowledge of these techniques. To identify the included or considered studies, we adopted a detailed search strategy for MEDLINE and Cochrane Library focused in the last 31 years, whose language was English, Spanish or Portuguese. This text presents an analysis of current data regarding the alternatives for alveolar preservation and the installation of immediate implants in these areas, presenting the possibility of a different surgical technique. However, due to the immaturity and lack of conclusive scientific evidence regarding the predictability of the procedures, it is considered that the use of the socket shield technique must be done in an extremely cautious way.

RESUMO Um dos procedimentos odontológicos mais comuns é a extração dentária, contudo, , o defeito ósseo decorrente do processo é apenas parcialmente restaurado, levando a uma perda ossea volumétrica consideravel. Para reabilitar um paciente totalmente ou parcialmente desdentado, devemos manusear estes sitios com intervenções cirúrgicas delicadas. Há uma vasta literatura apresentando tentativas de transpor os efeitos negativos de uma extração dentária, com o objetivo de diminuir a perda volumétrica tecidual ou restaurar a arquitetura alveolar. Neste contexto, a Terapia de Extração Parcial (TEP) representa um subgrupo de intervenções para prevenir a perda óssea após exodontia, usando o próprio dente para prevenir a perda óssea alveolar. Essa revisão de literatura tem por objetivo fazer um levantamento dos artigos publicados sobre as TEP, com ênfase na técnica de socket shield, e explanar a cerca das demais técnicas como sepultamento radicular, pontic-shield e proximal socket-shield, suas indicações e contra-indicações, a fim de aprofundar o conhecimento dessas técnicas. Para a identificação dos estudos inclui?dos ou considerados, adotamos a estrate?gia de busca detalhada para os bancos MEDLINE e Biblioteca Cochrane nos u?ltimos 31 anos, cujo idioma fosse o ingle?s, espanhol ou o portugue?s. Este texto, apresenta uma análise de dados atuais a respeito das alternativas para a preservação alveolar e instalação de implantes imediatos nestas áreas, apresentando a possibilidade de uma técnica cirúrgica diferenciada. No entanto, devido a imaturidade e falta de comprovação cientifica contundente a respeito da previsibilidade dos procedimentos, considera-se que o emprego da técnica de socket shield deve ser feito de forma cautelosa.

Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2778, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533839


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a contribuição da tecnologia de escuta assistida em usuários de implante coclear (IC) em situações de reverberação e ruído. Métodos Estudo transversal prospectivo aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética Institucional (CAAE 8 3031418.4.0000.0068). Foram selecionados adolescentes e adultos usuários de IC com surdez pré ou pós-lingual. Para usuários bilaterais, cada orelha foi avaliada separadamente. O reconhecimento de fala foi avaliado por meio de listas gravadas de palavras dissílabas apresentadas a 65 dBA a 0° azimute com e sem o Mini Microfone2 (Cochlear™) conectado ao processador de fala Nucleus®6. A reverberação da sala foi medida como 550 ms. Para avaliar a contribuição do dispositivo de escuta assistida (DEA) em ambiente reverberante, o reconhecimento de fala foi avaliado no silêncio. Para avaliar a contribuição do DEA em reverberação e ruído, o reconhecimento de fala foi apresentado a 0° azimute com o ruído proveniente de 8 alto-falantes dispostos simetricamente a 2 metros de distância do centro com ruído de múltiplos falantes usando relação sinal-ruído de +10dB. Para evitar viés de aprendizado ou fadiga, a ordem dos testes foi randomizada. A comparação das médias foi analisada pelo teste t para amostras pareadas, adotando-se nível de significância de p<0,005. Resultados Dezessete pacientes com idade média de 40 anos foram convidados e concordaram em participar, sendo 2 participantes bilaterais, totalizando 19 orelhas. Houve contribuição positiva significante do Mini Mic2 na reverberação e ruído+reverberação (p<0,001). Conclusão DEA foi capaz de melhorar o reconhecimento de fala de usuários de IC tanto em situações de reverberação quanto ruidosas.

ABSTRACT Purpose This study aimed to evaluate the contribution of assistive listening technology with wireless connectivity in cochlear implant (CI) users in reverberating and noise situations. Methods Prospective cross-sectional study approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee (CAAE 8 3031418.4.0000.0068). Adolescents and adults CI users with pre- or post-lingual deafness were selected. For bilateral users, each ear was assessed separately. Speech recognition was assessed using recorded lists of disyllabic words presented at 65 dBA at 0° azimuth with and without the Wireless Mini Microphone 2 (Cochlear™) connected to the Nucleus®6 speech processor. Room reverberation was measured as 550 ms. To assess the contribution of the assistive listening device (ALD) in a reverberating environment, speech recognition was assessed in quiet. To assess the contribution of the ALD in reverberation and noise, speech recognition was presented at 0° azimuth along with the noise coming from 8 loudspeakers symmetrically arranged 2 meters away from the center with multi-talker babble noise using signal to noise ratio of +10dB. To avoid learning bias or fatigue, the order of the tests was randomized. Comparison of means was analyzed by t test for paired samples, adopting significance level of p <0.005. Results Seventeen patients with a mean age of 40 years were invited and agreed to participate, with 2 bilateral participants, totaling 19 ears assessed. There was a significant positive contribution from the Mini Mic2 in reverberation, and noise+reverberation (p <0.001). Conclusion ALD was able to improve speech recognition of CI users in both reverberation and noisy situations.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Self-Help Devices , Noise Measurement , Cochlear Implantation , Deafness , Voice Recognition , Speech Intelligibility , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 39(1): e20230186, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521678


ABSTRACT In this article, we present the case of a 47-year-old man who underwent Bentall-Bono procedure and frozen elephant trunk prosthesis implantation due to severe aortic regurgitation and aortic dilatation with a second-time endovascular stent-graft repair in descending aorta. Over eight years, a subacute graft infection by Propionibacterium acnes was developed, culminating in cardiogenic shock secondary to severe aortic regurgitation due to a complete aortic root dehiscence because of multiple aortic pseudoaneurysms. The patient underwent emergency surgery in which the replacement of the graft by a biological valve tube was performed accompanied by a complete debranching of the three supra-aortic vessels.

Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 39(1): e20220461, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521679


ABSTRACT Introduction: There is no consensus on the impact of coronary artery disease in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Therefore, the objective of this study was, in a single-center setting, to evaluate the five-year outcome of transcatheter aortic valve implantation patients with or without coronary artery disease. Methods: All transcatheter aortic valve implantation patients between 2009 and 2019 were included and grouped according to the presence or absence of coronary artery disease. The primary endpoint, five-year all-cause mortality, was evaluated using Cox regression adjusted for age, sex, procedure years, and comorbidities. Comorbidities interacting with coronary artery disease were evaluated with interaction tests. In-hospital complications was the secondary endpoint. Results: In total, 176 patients had aortic stenosis and concomitant coronary artery disease, while 170 patients had aortic stenosis only. Mean follow-up was 2.2±1.6 years. There was no difference in the adjusted five-year all-cause mortality between transcatheter aortic valve implantation patients with and without coronary artery disease (hazard ratio 1.00, 95% confidence interval 0.59-1.70, P=0.99). In coronary artery disease patients, impaired renal function, peripheral arterial disease, or ejection fraction < 50% showed a significant interaction effect with higher five-year all-cause mortality. No significant differences in complications between the groups were found. Conclusion: Five-year mortality did not differ between transcatheter aortic valve implantation patients with or without coronary artery disease. However, in patients with coronary artery disease and impaired renal function, peripheral arterial disease, or ejection fraction < 50%, we found significantly higher five-year all-cause mortality.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(2): e2021, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527833


ABSTRACT A 59-year-old man presented with a unilateral blurring of vision in his left eye. His left eye's visual acuity was hand movements level. He underwent phacoemulsification surgery, and an intrastromal posterior chamber intraocular lens was implanted. The intrastromal intraocular lens was extracted and a new intraocular lens was implanted. Usinge the Snellen chart, the final best-corrected visual acuity was 20/40. With this case report, we wish to emphasize that a single stepwise clear corneal incision merged with wound-assisted intraocular lens injections can result in intraocular lens misdirection into the corneal stroma. As a result, while performing a misdirected intraocular lens removal, we recommend that the wound be carefully constructed.

RESUMO Um homem de 59 anos apresentou embaçamento visual unilateral no olho esquerdo. Sua acuidade visual nesse olho era no nível de movimentos da mão. O paciente havia se submetido a uma cirurgia de facoemulsificação em que foi feita a implantação intraestromal de uma lente intraocular de câmara posterior. Foi feita a extração dessa lente intraestromal intraocular e uma nova lente intraocular foi implantada. A melhor acuidade visual corrigida final foi de 20/40 pela tabela de Snellen. Com este relato de caso, os autores desejam apontar que uma incisão de degrau único em córnea clara, quando combinada com a injeção de uma lente ocular através da incisão, pode levar a um direcionamento incorreto da lente intraocular para dentro do estroma corneano. Portanto, recomenda-se uma construção cuidadosa da incisão ao se remover uma lente intraocular direcionada incorretamente.

CoDAS ; 36(1): e20220177, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528447


RESUMO Objetivo Desenvolver guia para elaboração de relatórios fonoaudiológicos de crianças implantadas para serem compartilhados entre fonoaudiólogos dos serviços de implante coclear (IC) e reabilitadores. Método O método Delphi foi utilizado para selecionar os itens relevantes e fundamentais que deveriam constar nas duas versões propostas para compor o guia: Guia 1 - Relatórios fonoaudiológicos fornecidos pelo serviço de IC aos reabilitadores, e Guia 2 - Relatórios fonoaudiológicos fornecidos pelos reabilitadores aos serviços de IC. Vinte e um fonoaudiólogos especialistas e com experiência na área de implante coclear e de reabilitação auditiva participaram da discussão e do julgamento dos itens durante as rodadas de seleção. Considerou-se consenso quando o item obteve a concordância igual ou superior a 80% entre os participantes, sendo selecionados para comporem os dois guias. Resultados Após as duas rodadas, 21 itens do Guia 1 obtiveram consenso entre os terapeutas, ou seja, mais de 80% deles concordaram que estes itens deveriam estar presentes no relatório enviado pelo serviço de IC. Para o Guia 2, 22 itens analisados pelos fonoaudiólogos atuantes em serviços de IC setor pós-operatório, foram selecionados na segunda rodada. Conclusão A partir da análise das duas rodadas, foi desenvolvido o "Guia para a elaboração de relatórios fonoaudiológicos: intersecção entre serviço de IC e reabilitadores". Este material pode ser aplicado na rotina de acompanhamento de crianças implantadas, padronizando as informações compartilhadas sobre o dispositivo eletrônico, resultados de avaliações, monitoramento dos resultados e processo terapêutico dessa população.

ABSTRACT Purpose To develop a guide for the preparation of speech-language reports of implanted children to be shared among speech-language pathologists of cochlear implant (CI) services and rehabilitation professionals. Methods The Delphi method was used to select the relevant and fundamental items that should be included in the two versions proposed for the guide: Guide 1 - Speech-language reports provided by the CI services to rehabilitators, and Guide 2 - Speech-language reports provided by the rehabilitators to CI services. Twenty-one speech therapists specialized and with experience in cochlear implants and auditory rehabilitation participated in the discussion and judgment of the items during the selection rounds. Consensus was considered when the item reached agreement equal to or greater than 80% among participants, being selected to compose the two guides. Results After the two rounds, 21 items from Guide 1 reached consensus among therapists, that is, more than 80% of them agreed that these items should be present in the report sent by the CI service. For Guide 2, 22 items analyzed by speech therapists working in CI services in the postoperative sector were selected in the second round. Conclusion Based on the analysis of the two rounds, the "Guide for the preparation of speech-language pathology reports: intersection between CI service and rehabilitators" was developed. This material can be applied in the follow-up of implanted children, standardizing the information shared about the electronic device, evaluation results, monitoring of results and therapeutic process of this population.

Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases ; (12): 108-115, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006355


Objective@#To evaluate the stability and aesthetic effect of a xenogeneic collagen matrix (mucograft) on achieving an adequate keratinized mucosa width (KMW) around implants and to provide a reference basis for the clinical application of xenogeneic collagen matrix materials.@*Methods@#The hospital ethics committee approved the study protocol, and the patients provided informed consent. Twenty patients with a KMW<2 mm at the buccal implant site who were treated in Binzhou Medical University Affiliated Yantai Stomatological Hospital from July 2020 to September 2022 were included, and a total of 36 implants were included. The mean age of the patients was (52.0±10.4) years, of which 18 were females and 2 were males. They were divided into a free gingival graft group (FGG, control group) and a xenogeneic collagen matrix group (test group) according to different graft materials. The incremental effect of the KMW on the buccal side of the implant and the mucosal shrinkage rate was measured at 1 month and 3 months after the operation. The mucosal scar index (MSI) was evaluated after the operation.@*Results@#At 3 months postoperatively, the KMW was (3.67 ± 1.06) mm in the control group and (2.96 ± 0.98) mm in the test group, and the difference was statistically significant (t = 2.076, P<0.05). The KMW shrinkage rate was (33.34 ± 16.30) % in the test group and (22.05 ± 15.47) % in the control group at 1 month postoperatively and (51.95 ± 12.60) % in the test group and (37.44 ± 16.30) % in the control group at 3 months postoperatively, with statistically significant differences between the two groups at the same time points (P<0.05). Three months after surgery, the test group showed significantly better outcomes than the control group in terms of the five scar indicators (scar width, scar convexity, scar color, scar trace, and overall appearance), and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#Xenogeneic collagen matrix can increase the peri-implant KMW and achieve a more natural and coordinated soft tissue aesthetic effect but with a higher shrinkage rate.

International Eye Science ; (12): 260-263, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005392


With the rapid development of science and technology and the wide application of electronic products, the number of patients with high myopia is gradually increasing. Meanwhile, owing to the continuous optimization of surgical skils and the continuous advancement in materials of posterior chamber intraocular lens and manufacturing processes, implantable collamer lens(ICL)V4c implantation has gradually become one of the main surgeries for the treatment of high myopia. In the rapid era of social information, people pay more attention to the long-term efficacy after ICL V4c implantation, they not only want clear vision, but also the pursuit of visual comfort and durability. Therefore, this paper will specifically discuss the research progress of the post-implantation efficacy of ICL V4c with at least 2 a of follow-up observation within 3 a, aiming to review the latest research progress on the long-term efficacy of ICL V4c implantation from the three dimensions of visual quality, safety, efficacy and stability and possible surgical complications after ICL V4c implantation.

International Eye Science ; (12): 210-215, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005382


AIM: To compare the clinical efficacy, vault, and rotational stability of horizontal, oblique, and vertical implantation of Toric implantable collamer lens(TICL).METHODS: Retrospective cohort study. A total of 92 cases(120 eyes)who underwent TICL implantation from July 2018 to March 2022 and had regular follow-up for at least 1 a postoperatively(1 d, 1 wk, 1, 3, 6 mo, and 1 a)at Wuhan Bright Eye Hospital were collected. The patients were divided into three groups, with 34 cases(45 eyes)in horizontal implantation group, 25 cases(29 eyes)in oblique implantation group(29 cases), and 33 cases(46 eyes)in vertical implantation group. Uncorrected distance visual acuity(UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity(CDVA), diopters, vault, and rotation angle(deviation of the actual axis of TICL from the expected axis).RESULTS: All surgeries were uneventful, and there were no complications such as infection, secondary glaucoma, or cataract opacity. Safety and efficacy of the surgery: the CDVA of the three groups of patients was better than or equal to the preoperative CDVA at 1 a postoperatively, and there was no statistically significant differences in postoperative UDVA and CDVA of the three groups(P&#x0026;#x003E;0.05). The safety index at 1a postoperatively was 1.34±0.21, 1.34±0.17, and 1.31±0.18 for the horizontal, oblique, and vertical groups, respectively. The efficacy index was 1.26±0.21, 1.33±0.18, and 1.27±0.16 for the three groups, respectively, both with no statistically significant differences(P&#x0026;#x003E;0.05). Vault: there was a significant difference in postoperative vault among the three groups(P=0.003), with the vertical group having the lowest vault, followed by the horizontal group and the oblique group. The vaults at different follow-up time points within each group showed significant differences(P&#x0026;#x003C;0.001), and all decreased over time. Residual astigmatism: there was no significant difference in residual astigmatism among the three groups(P=0.130), but there were differences at different follow-up time points within each group(P&#x0026;#x003C;0.001). Rotation angle: no significant differences in rotation angle were observed among the three groups(P=0.135), but there were differences at different follow-up time points within each group(P&#x0026;#x003C;0.001).CONCLUSION: The implantation of TICL in different orientations has good safety and efficacy, the postoperative rotational stability is good, and the appropriate angle can be selected to implant TICL according to the clinical situation.

International Eye Science ; (12): 18-23, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003499


AIM: To explore the dynamic expression of high mobility group box 1(HMGB1)in scar tissues after glaucoma drainage valve implantation, and to further reveal the role and possible mechanism of HMGB1 in scarring after glaucoma surgery.METHODS: A total of 60 New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into control group(n=20), model group(n=20, silicone implantation under conjunctival sac)and model with drug administration group(n=20, silicone implantation under conjunctival sac combined with 5-fluorouracil injection). The conjunctival tissues were collected at 4 and 8 wk after surgery. HE staining and Masson staining were used to detect the proliferation and distribution of fibroblasts and collagen fibers in conjunctival tissues. Immunohistochemistry was utilized to detect the distribution and changes of HMGB1, transforming growth factor(TGF)-β1, Smad3 and α-smooth muscle actin(SMA)in conjunctival tissues. RT-PCR and Western blot were adopted to detect the mRNA and protein expression of HMGB1, TGF-β1, Smad3 and α-SMA in conjunctival tissues.RESULTS: HE staining and Masson staining showed that the proliferation of inflammatory cells, fibroblasts and collagen fibers in the model group was significantly higher than that in the control group at both 4 and 8 wk. Meanwhile, the proliferation of fibroblasts and collagen fibers in the model with drug administration group was significantly lower than that in the model group. Immunohistochemical staining showed that the expression of HMGB1, TGF-β1, Smad3 and α-SMA protein was observed in the conjunctival tissues of the model group both 4 and 8 wk, with brown and significantly deeper staining of the model group at 8 wk. Meanwhile, the positive staining in the model with drug administration group at both 4 and 8 wk was significantly lower than that in the model group. There was positive correlations between the number of fibroblasts stained with HE and the expression of HMGB1 in the conjunctival tissue of the model group at both 4 and 8 wk(r=0.602, 0.703, all P&#x0026;#x003C;0.05). RT-PCR and Western blot revealed that the mRNA and protein expression levels of HMGB1, TGF-β1, Smad3 and α-SMA in the model group were significantly higher than those in the control group at both 4 and 8 wk(all P&#x0026;#x003C;0.05). Meanwhile, the mRNA and protein expression levels of HMGB1, TGF-β1, Smad3 and α-SMA in the model with drug administration group were significantly lower than those in the model group(all P&#x0026;#x003C;0.05). There was positive correlations between mRNA expressions of HMGB1 and TGF-β1, Smad3 in the model group and the model with drug administration group(all P&#x0026;#x003C;0.05).CONCLUSION: The expression of HMGB1 increased at a time-dependent manner after glaucoma valve implantation. HMGB1 acts an indispensable role in the initiation and progression of scar formation after glaucoma surgery, which may be involved in the regulation of TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway.

Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases ; (12): 57-63, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003446


Objective@#To investigate the effect of the socket-shield technique (SST) concurrent with immediate implant placement and provisionalization (IIPP) in the aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth.@*Methods@#A case of maxillary anterior tooth stumps with a thin labial bone wall was treated with SST for preservation of labial soft and hard tissue fullness, combined with an immediate implant placement and immediate provisional crown for restoring the shape of the tooth and gingival molding@*Results@#Immediate implant placement and provisionalization restored the morphology and function of the affected tooth in the shortest possible time. The patient's labial soft and hard tissue contours in the affected tooth area were well preserved in the 18-month follow-up after the application of the SST, which presented a better aesthetic result. The literature review indicates that the indications for SST are unrestorable maxillary anterior teeth, whose dental, periodontal and periapical tissues are healthy and intact. In the esthetic zone, root shielding is effective in maintaining the soft and hard tissue contour on the labial side of the implant. However, there is no consensus on the technical details of SST, such as the ideal coronal height and thickness of the shield, and the management of the gap between the shield and the implant. Thus, more clinical studies and histologic evidence are needed to provide a reference for clinical decision-making. In addition, digital technology can improve the accuracy of implant placement and shield preparation.@*Conclusion@#The correct application of SST combined with IIPP in the esthetic zone can ensure esthetic results. However, more high-quality evidence-based medical evidence is needed for its long-term efficacy, and indications should be strictly controlled during clinical application.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(4): 1-8, out.dez.2023. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525493


Introdução: Diversos estudos têm analisado a possível relação entre a prótese mamária de silicone e sintomas sistêmicos. A remoção das próteses de mama com capsulectomia tem sido indicada na tentativa de melhorar esses sintomas. É necessário que o cirurgião tenha dados embasados na literatura para informar ao paciente se há relação entre retirada de prótese de mama com capsulectomia e melhora dos sintomas, qual a taxa de melhora e por quanto tempo se mantém. Método: Foi realizada pesquisa nos bancos de dados virtuais Cochrane Library e PubMed de janeiro de 1990 até abril de 2023. A busca foi realizada pela combinação de termos livres ("breast implant illness", "breast capsulectomy" e "breast implant explantation") e pelo uso de operadores booleanos para descritores Mesh como [autoimmune diseases (MeSH Terms)] e [breast implant (MeSH Terms)]. Resultados: Foram obtidos 1.203 artigos, sendo 14 selecionados para o estudo, consistindo em 7 artigos de coorte retrospectivo, 3 de coorte prospectivo e 4 caso-controle. A taxa de melhora variou entre 50 e 100% dos casos e o tempo de acompanhamento variou entre 2 meses e 2,7 anos. Diversos tipos de capsulectomia foram realizados nos estudos, com taxas semelhantes de melhora. Conclusão: Há evidências de melhora dos sintomas sistêmicos em pacientes com prótese mamária de silicone submetidas a retirada de prótese de mama com capsulectomia. A melhora dos sintomas persistiu durante o período em que as pacientes foram acompanhadas nos estudos. Estudos mais recentes demonstraram que o tipo de capsulectomia não tem influência na melhora dos sintomas sistêmicos.

Introduction: Several studies have analyzed the possible relationship between silicone breast implants and systemic symptoms. Removal of breast implants with capsulectomy has been indicated in an attempt to improve these symptoms. The surgeon must have data based on the literature to inform the patient whether there is a relationship between the removal of a breast prosthesis with capsulectomy and improvement in symptoms, what is the rate of improvement, and how long it lasts. Method: A search was carried out in the Cochrane Library and PubMed virtual databases from January 1990 to April 2023. The search was carried out using a combination of free terms ("breast implant illness", "breast capsulectomy," and "breast implant explantation") and by using Boolean operators for Mesh descriptors such as [autoimmune diseases (MeSH Terms)] and [breast implant (MeSH Terms)]. Results: 1,203 articles were obtained, 14 of which were selected for the study, consisting of 7 retrospective cohort articles, 3 prospective cohort articles, and 4 case-control articles. The improvement rate varied between 50 and 100% of cases, and the follow-up time varied between 2 months and 2.7 years. Several types of capsulectomies were performed in the studies, with similar rates of improvement. Conclusion: There is evidence of improvement in systemic symptoms in patients with silicone breast implants who underwent breast implant removal with capsulectomy. The improvement in symptoms persisted during the period in which the patients were followed in the studies. More recent studies have demonstrated that the type of capsulectomy does not influence the improvement of systemic symptoms.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528853


The purpose of this research was to compare the vital signs of ASA II patients undergoing dental implant surgery under intravenous anesthesia to those of ASA I patients. From a specialist course in Implant Dentistry, 41 medical records (22 ASA I and 19 ASA II patients) were analyzed. Age, gender, ASA classification, blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation were all measured. Pre-surgery, following the onset of local anesthetic, at the end of the initial implant insertion, and at the end of surgery were all used to collect vital signs. Student's t-test (p<0.05) was used to determine inter- and intra-group data associations. The crossing of operative moments pre-surgical and installation of the first implant in both systolic (p<=0.01) and diastolic (p<=0.03) pressure was statistically significant in ASA I patients. In contrast, there was only a statistical difference in the verification of peripheral oxygen saturation data at preoperative and local anesthesia times in ASA II patients (p<=0.04). When comparing the time of installation of the first implant (p<=0.03) and at the end of surgery (p<=0.02), with respect to systolic pressure, ASA II presented statistically higher, while variable oxygen saturation at the beginning of local anesthesia in ASA I was statistically higher (p<=0.04). It is proposed that intravenous sedation acts in a compensatory manner in patients with systemic disease, leading both groups' behavior to be similar.

El propósito de esta investigación fue comparar los signos vitales de pacientes ASA II sometidos a cirugía de implante dental bajo anestesia intravenosa con los de pacientes ASA I. Se analizaron 41 historias clínicas de un curso de especialista en Implantología (22 pacientes ASA I y 19 ASA II). Se midieron la edad, el sexo, la clasificación ASA, la presión arterial, la frecuencia cardíaca y la saturación de oxígeno. Se tomarn los signos vitales antes de la cirugía, después del inicio de la anestesia local, al final de la inserción inicial del implante y al final de la cirugía. Se utilizó la prueba t de Student (p<0,05) para determinar las asociaciones de datos entre e intragrupos. El cruce de los momentos operatorios prequirúrgicos y de instalación del primer implante tanto en la presión sistólica (p<=0,01) como en la diastólica (p<=0,03) fue estadísticamente significativo en los pacientes ASA I. En contraste, solo hubo diferencia estadística en la verificación de los datos de saturación periférica de oxígeno en el momento preoperatorio y de anes- tesia local en los pacientes ASA II (p<=0,04). Al comparar el tiempo de instalación del primer implante (p<=0,03) y al final de la cirugía (p<=0,02), con respecto a la presión sistólica, el ASA II se presentó estadísticamente mayor, mientras que la variable saturación de oxígeno al inicio de la anestesia local en El ASA I fue estadísticamente mayor (p<0,4). Se propone que la sedación intravenosa actúa de forma compensatoria en pacientes con enfermedad sistémica, lo que hace que el comportamiento de ambos grupos sea similar.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 91(4): 257-262, nov. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535503


RESUMEN La difusión del reemplazo valvular aórtico percutáneo (TAVI) en la estenosis aórtica (EAo) generó la creación de un Heart Team (HT), para elegir el mejor tratamiento. Existen pocos reportes sobre su utilidad. Objetivos: analizar los resultados del tratamiento de los pacientes con EAo evaluados por un HT durante 10 años Material y métodos: Inclusión consecutiva de todos los pacientes con EAo candidatos a TAVI entre enero del 2012 y julio del 2021 para seleccionar el mejor tratamiento, incluyendo además Cirugía de reemplazo valvular aórtico (CRVA) y Tratamiento médico conservador (TMC). Resultados: De 841 pacientes, se asignaron a TAVI 455 (53%), CRVA 213 (24%) y TMC 183 (23%). El porcentaje asignado a TAVI aumentó con el tiempo de 48 a 62% (p < 0,05). Los pacientes que fueron a TAVI, con respecto a los enviados a CRVA, eran mayores (86 ± 7 vs 83 ± 7 años), con mayor EUROSCORE II (6,2, IC95% 5,7-6,6 vs 5,6, IC95% 4,4-6,5) y más frágiles (1,62 ± 1 vs 0,91 ± 1), en todos los casos p <0,01. La sobrevida actuarial (IC 95%) a 1 y a 2 años fue, para TAVI 88% (84-91%) y 82% (77-86%), para CRVA 83% (76-88%) y 78% (70-84%) y para TMC 70% (60-87%) y 59% (48-68%) respectivamente (p <0,001). Conclusiones: Durante los primeros 10 años de establecido un Heart Team para la toma de decisiones en EAo, se asignaron a TAVI aproximadamente la mitad y el resto se asignó por mitades a cirugía u observación. La sobrevida de los pacientes intervenidos fue similar a 2 años y mayor que la de los no intervenidos.

ABSTRACT As transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) for aortic stenosis (AS) became widespread, the need for a Heart Team (HT) arose to choose the best treatment. There are few reports regarding its usefulness. Objectives: To analyze treatment outcomes in patients with AS evaluated by a HT for 10 years. Methods: Consecutive enrollment of all patients with AS who were candidates for TAVI between January 2012 and July 2021 to choose the best treatment, including surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) and conservative medical management (CMM). Results: Out of 841 patients, 455 were assigned to TAVI (53%), 213 to SAVR (24%), and 183 to CMM (23%). The percentage assigned to TAVI has increased from 48% to 62% over time (p <0.05). Patients who underwent TAVI versus those who underwent SAVR were older (86 ± 7 vs. 83 ± 7 years), had a higher EUROSCORE II (6.2, 95% CI 5.7-6.6 vs. 5.6; 95% CI 4.4-6.5) and were frailer (1.62 ± 1 vs. 0.91 ± 1), in all cases p <0.01. Actuarial survival (95% CI) at 1 and 2 years was 88% (84-91%) and 82% (77-86%) for TAVI, 83% (76-88%) and 78% (70-84%) for SAVR, and 70% (60-87%) and 59% (48-68%) for CMM, respectively (p <0.001). Conclusions: For the first 10 years after a Heart Team was established for AS decision-making, approximately half of the patients were assigned to TAVI, and the rest were equally assigned in halves to either surgery or observation. Survival for patients who received interventions was similar at 2 years and higher than in those who did not.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 445-454, Jul.-Sept. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514246


Abstract Introduction Despite the developing technology of cochlear implants (CIs), implanted prelingual hearing-impaired children exhibit variable speech processing outcomes. When these children match in personal and implant-related criteria, the CI outcome variability could be related to higher-order cognitive impairment. Objectives To evaluate different domains of cognitive function in good versus poor CI performers using a multidisciplinary approach and to find the relationship between these functions and different levels of speech processing. Methods This observational, cross-sectional study used the word recognition score (WRS) test to categorize 40 children with CIs into 20 good (WRS/65%) and 20 poor performers (WRS < 65%). All participants were examined for speech processing at different levels (auditory processing and spoken language) and cognitive functioning using (1) verbal tests (verbal component of Stanford-Binet intelligence [SBIS], auditory memory, auditory vigilance, and P300); and (2) performance tasks (performance components of SBIS, and trail making test). Results The outcomes of speech processing at different functional levels and both domains of cognitive function were analyzed and correlated. Speech processing was impaired significantly in poor CI performers. This group also showed a significant cognitive function deficit, in which the verbal abilities were more affected (in 93.5%) than in the good performers (in 69.5%). Moreover, cognitive function revealed a significant correlation and predictive effect on the CI speech outcomes. Conclusion Cognitive function impairment represented an important factor that underlies the variable speech proficiency in cochlear-implanted children. A multidisciplinary evaluation of cognitive function would provide a comprehensive overview to improve training strategies.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 487-498, Jul.-Sept. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514249


Abstract Introduction Between 15% to 30% of individuals with bilateral prelingual sensorineural hearing loss present with associated disabilities. Cochlear implant (CI) is an alternative treatment that provides consistent access to environmental and speech sounds, which results in significant benefits regarding quality of life and auditory and language development. Objectives To study the auditory and communicative performance of individuals with CI and delayed neuropsychomotor development after a minimum of five years using the device. Methods A total of eight patients were included in the study. We collected the multidisciplinary clinical records of participants, as well as the answers for the questionnaires applied remotely, which included the Children with Cochlear Implants: Parental Perspectives (CCIPP), International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Children and Youth Version (ICF-CY), and the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS). Results We found that throughout the years of CI use, the auditory threshold means improved significantly in all tested frequencies, as did the speech detection threshold and the language and hearing results. Regarding parental perception, parents evaluated aspects related to their children's social relations to be positive, and had worse perceptions regarding aspects related to their education. Conclusion We observed a progression in the participants' auditory and language skills throughout the years of CI use; even in the presence of other associated disabilities. Future multicentric studies with larger samples are needed to further the advancement of rehabilitation in patients with other associated disabilities.

Salud mil ; 42(2): e501, 20230929. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1531720


En la actualidad es cada vez más frecuente la consulta de pacientes que siendo sometidos en edades tempranas a cirugías de extirpación tumoral y posterior reconstrucción con injertos presentan problemas tanto funcionales como estéticos, el uso de prótesis implantosoportadas mejora la calidad de vida, pero al mismo tiempo representan un desafío por la baja disponibilidad ósea. Se presenta un caso clínico de rehabilitación protésica implantosoportada en una paciente con gran déficit óseo mandibular como consecuencia de le extirpación de una neoplasia y posterior injerto de costilla. Se colocaron 2 implantes osteointegrados en hueso remanente y rehabilitación con prótesis removible sostenida a una barra colada. Por ser un tratamiento poco invasivo y conservador fue aceptado fácilmente por la paciente y la mejora tanto en la estética como en la función fue notoria.

Nowadays, it is becoming more and more frequent to see patients who underwent surgery for tumor removal and subsequent reconstruction with grafts at an early age, presenting both functional and esthetic problems. The use of implant-supported prostheses improves the quality of life, but at the same time represents a challenge due to the low availability of bone. A clinical case of implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation is presented in a patient with a great mandibular bone deficit as a consequence of the removal of a neoplasm and subsequent rib graft. Two osseointegrated implants were placed in the remaining bone and rehabilitation with a removable prosthesis supported by a cast bar. Being a minimally invasive and conservative treatment, it was easily accepted by the patient and the improvement in both esthetics and function was notorious.

Atualmente, são cada vez mais frequentes os pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de remoção de tumores e posterior reconstrução com enxertos em idade precoce que apresentam problemas funcionais e estéticos. O uso de próteses implanto-suportadas melhora a qualidade de vida, mas, ao mesmo tempo, representa um desafio devido à baixa disponibilidade de osso. Apresentamos um caso clínico de reabilitação protética implanto-suportada em um paciente com grande déficit ósseo mandibular em consequência da remoção de uma neoplasia e posterior enxerto de costela. Dois implantes osseointegrados foram colocados no osso remanescente e a reabilitação foi feita com uma prótese removível suportada por uma barra de gesso. Por se tratar de um tratamento minimamente invasivo e conservador, foi facilmente aceito pelo paciente e a melhora na estética e na função foi perceptível.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Ribs , Transplantation, Autologous , Bone Transplantation , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Denture, Partial, Removable , Oral Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Mandibular Reconstruction/rehabilitation
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Aug; 71(8): 3095-3099
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225186


Capsulorhexis is an integral step of cataract surgery, and continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis is crucial during phacoemulsification to prevent intraoperative complications. However, sometimes during phacoemulsification in complicated and hard cataract cases, rhexis extension may occur, resulting in posterior capsular rent, nucleus drop, cortex drop, and aphakia. It may not always be possible to continue with phacoemulsification in all cases. In this perspective, the authors describe a novel flap motility sign (FMS) to predict the extent of anterior capsular tear during phacoemulsification. A total of 21,678 patients underwent phacoemulsification for three years, from July 2016 to June 2019. One hundred and twenty-one patients had an anterior capsular tear. There were 102 cases (84.3%) with pre-equatorial tears and 19 cases (15.70%) with postequatorial tears. All pre-equatorial flaps were everted and fluttering, and all postequatorial flaps were inverted and nonfluttering. Posterior capsule rupture (PCR) was observed in all 19 cases of postequatorial flaps (100%). No PCR was observed in patients with fluttering and everted flaps (0%). In-the-bag and scleral-fixated intraocular lens implantations succeeded in pre-equatorial and postequatorial tears, respectively. There was no case of a nucleus drop. This study validates FMS as a predictor for identifying the extent of anterior capsular tears, thereby determining the endpoint of safe phacoemulsification and the site for intraocular lens implantation. Pre-equatorial tears allow for the continuation of safe phacoemulsification and in-the-bag intraocular implantation. Postequatorial tears necessitate timely conversion to small-incision cataract surgery or extracapsular cataract extraction.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(4): 301-307, July-Sep. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447364


ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate visual outcomes, satisfaction, and quality of life of patients assisted in a Medical School hospital by the Brazilian Public Health System, who underwent bilateral diffractive multifocal intraocular lens implantation. Methods: Case series study with intervention, including 20 patients who underwent bilateral implantation of multifocal IOL EyeDiff® (Eyeol UK, Dunstable, UK). Exclusion criteria were corneal astigmatism >1.5 cylindrical diopters, previous ocular surgery or ocular disease, and intra- or postoperative complications. Patients were evaluated one, three, and six months after surgery. Monocular and binocular visual acuity for distance, intermediate and near, under photopic and mesopic conditions, monocular contrast sensitivity under photopic conditions, defocus curve, and quality of life were assessed. Results: Monocular distance-corrected visual acuity was 0.3 logMAR or better and monocular distance-corrected near visual acuity was J3 or better in all eyes under photopic conditions. Binocular distance-corrected near visual acuity was J1 in all cases. Contrast sensitivity was at the minimum level of normality for low and high spatial frequencies and within normal limits for intermediate spatial frequency. The quality of life questionnaire showed a high level of patient satisfaction. Conclusion: Bilateral implantation of the multifocal intraocular lens EyeDiff® provides patients with good visual acuity and quality of life, besides spectacle independence. The visual acuity and contrast sensitivity progressively improved between one and six postoperative months.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados visuais, satisfação e qualidade de vida de pacientes atendidos em um hospital escola pelo Sistema Único de Saúde, submetidos a implante bilateral de lente intraocular multifocal difrativa. Métodos: Estudo tipo série de casos com intervenção, incluindo 20 pacientes submetidos a implante bilateral da lente intraocular multifocal difrativa EyeDiff® (Eyeol UK, Dunstable, UK). Os critérios de exclusão foram astigmatismo corneano >1,5 dioptria cilíndrica, cirurgia ou doença ocular prévias e complicações intraoperatórias ou pós-operatórias. Os pacientes foram avaliados após 1, 3 e 6 meses da cirurgia. Foram avaliadas a acuidade visual monocular e binocular para longe, intermediário e perto sob condições fotópica e mesópica, sensibilidade ao contraste monocular sob condições fotópicas, curva de defocus e questionário para avaliação da qualidade de vida. Resultados: A acuidade visual para longe corrigida monocular foi de 0,3 logMAR ou melhor e a acuidade visual para perto com correção para longe foi J3 ou melhor em todos os olhos, sob condições fotópicas. A acuidade visual binocular para perto com a correção para longe foi J1 em todos os casos. A sensibilidade ao contraste estava no nível mínimo de normalidade para frequências espaciais baixas e altas e abaixo dos limites normais para frequência espacial intermediária. O questionário de qualidade de vida mostrou que os pacientes apresentavam altos níveis de satisfação. Conclusão: O implante bilateral da lente intraocular multifocal EyeDiff® proporcionou boa acuidade visual e qualidade de vida, e independência de óculos aos pacientes. A acuidade visual e a sensibilidade ao contraste melhoraram progressivamente entre um e seis meses de pós-operatório.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 91(2): 125-137, jun. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529590


RESUMEN Introducción : El reemplazo de la raíz aórtica con conservación valvular (valve-sparing aortic root replacement, VSAR) se ha consolidado como un procedimiento eficaz para el tratamiento del aneurisma de la raíz aórtica, el síndrome de Marfan, la válvula bicúspide y la disección aórtica. Sin embargo, es necesario llegar a una opinión unánime sobre los aspectos clave del VSAR. Material y métodos : Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de los debates y controversias más frecuentes del VSAR. A partir de esta información se elaboró una encuesta en línea que se envió a cirujanos con experiencia comprobada en VSAR para conocer su opinión sobre los factores relacionados con los pacientes, los aspectos técnicos, la ecocardiografía, la investigación, la formación y el futuro del VSAR. Resultados : Veinte cirujanos completaron la encuesta. Según 14 de cada 20 encuestados, la fracción de eyección grave se consideró una contraindicación para el llevar a cabo este procedimiento. El límite del diámetro del anillo aórtico para la remodelación fue heterogéneo entre los participantes. Todos ellos consideraron que el VSAR es un procedimiento seguro para los pacientes con síndrome de Marfan y válvula bicúspide. En el caso de disección de tipo A, 11 de cada 20 prefirieron este procedimiento solo para los pacientes jóvenes. En lo que respecta al tamaño del injerto, la altura del triángulo intervalvar (8/20) y el diámetro sinotubular (7/20) fueron los más frecuentes. Los cirujanos informaron una tasa de fracaso del 7% en la conversión al procedimiento de Bentall, y un cambio de estrategia intraoperatoria del 26%. No se consideró que un abordaje mínimamente invasivo mejorara los resultados. La mayoría de los cirujanos coincidieron en que el VSAR lo deben realizar cirujanos con mucha experiencia. Conclusiones : El VSAR ha sido aceptado como una opción terapéutica para el aneurisma de la raíz aórtica, y, aunque todavía no es posible llegar a un consenso definitivo, se presenta la valiosa experiencia de los cirujanos más destacados en este campo.

ABSTRACT Background : The valve-sparing aortic root replacement (VSAR) has been established as a successful procedure for aortic root aneurysms, Marfan's syndrome, bicuspid valves, and aortic dissections. However, there is a need for a consensus opinion regarding key aspects of VSAR. Methods : A literature review was performed regarding the most frequent debates and controversies in VSAR. An online survey was developed based on this information, and sent to surgeons with known expertise in VSAR regarding their opinion on patient-related factors, technical aspects, echocardiography, research, training, and the future of VSAR. Results : Twenty surgeons completed the survey. The reduction of left ventricular ejection fraction was considered a contra indication to VSAR when severe by 14/20 surveyed. The aortic annulus diameter cutoff point for the remodeling was heterogenous among participants. All of them felt that VSAR is safe for the Marfan´s syndrome population and bicuspid valves. For type A dissections, 11/20 preferred this procedure only in young patients. Regarding to graft sizing, the height of the interleaflet triangle (8/20) and the sino-tubular diameter (7/20) were the more frequent considered parameters. Surgeons reported a 7% of failure rate, leading to conversion to Bentall surgery, and a 26% change of strategy intraoperatively. A minimally invasive approach was not considered to improve results. Most of the surgeons agreed that VSAR should be performed by high-experienced surgeons. Conclusions : The VSAR has been accepted as a treatment option for the aortic root´s aneurysms, and even though there is still not possible to reach a final consensus, a valuable experience from the most relevant surgeons in the field is presented.